Monday, October 29, 2007



Initially I could not appreciate the application of and had to delve further. The main benefit that appealed to me was the access from any computer, so a mobile bookmarking system. The social bookmarking aspect of is a great way to share the workload especially for research where a group studying the same material can share their information. Tags are becoming second nature as they are appearing again and again through our 2.0 journey. Some personal ideas for travel and recipes sparked my interest and I will explore this more in the future.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Have had a play in Rollyo. It was fairly easy to navigate through the site. I found the screens to contain a lot of information and are quite hard to filter through to what you want. On discussions with a colleague and experienced Blogger he recommended Google Custom Search and I found this much clearer and easy to read the results, thanks Harps!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

#11 LibraryThing

Done the thing on LibraryThing. I found the search results hard to refine and so had to sort through a lot or irrelevant information. An interesting concept but I need to use it more to really comment on it's application potential.

Monday, October 15, 2007

#10 And some more

This came from Make your Own Sign Generator , I like this website as there was no sign up involved.

#10 More Play

The Generator Blog has a plethora of generators to try, like this one

#10 Playing

My creation
Originally uploaded by hey nonny

Yet again there are endless possibilities. I did my mag on .

#9 Finding feeds

Having a play with feed searching was an interesting exercise.

On Feedster when doing a search on Libraries I found blogs on everything from Dracula to Queen Victoria. I found it a little hard to narrow down the searches in Feedster and found the results were often very general. I also found it difficult to ascertain the source of the postings.

Technorati was listed as a good tool for Topic Blog searching and I found this to be true for me. The results are displayed clearly and I was able to refine my search easily.

I used Topix for topical news feed searching and again found it to be useful. The results are displayed clearly and I was able to refine the searches.

I tried the Google Blog search and found it easy to use, I do not know if this has more to do with my familiarity with Google rather than the search itself.

I added a couple of publication feeds to my Bloglines account fairly straight forward. I did find some of the screens are very busy for example the Ebsco Reference Centre but the more sites I visit the more I am able to visual sort the information for myself.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Everest and Clouds

Everest and Clouds
Originally uploaded by Not so fast
This photo is amazing and I got it through my Blogline account on a Flickr feed.

#8 Bloglines

RSS and Newsreaders are a great way to specify the information you want to receive and avoid the deadly world of SPAM. Leading the busy lives we do I want to keep up with current events in all my interests from news to music. I love the idea of being able to do so when I have the time and the inclination..

I began with five simple feeds and have now expanded into Podcasts, Library sites and Flickr.

With our own Library Blog I can see a great application to allow us to link into current events and topical issues as they happen. The scope is global.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

#7 Technology

I ask myself how I use technology. When was the last time I used an a phone book, looked up an Encyclopedia or even wrote a letter ? The questions interest me for where we are headed and how it will affect all of us.

When I was at secondary school we had a computer room and classes were allocated time per week. Now Primary School children have multiple PCs in their rooms. I have been given instructions on using Microsoft Publisher by a someone who still has their baby teeth. A whole new language exists that you have to use when sending an SMS and emails are replacing the written letter. All of this has been written about in newspapers, magazines and debated in a public forum but I wonder about the reality of technology and what it means to me.

Being part of the X Generation we are in the middle of what has become a technology explosion. Daily I use the internet to search for everything from clothing, shoes to the latest supermarket specials to looking up information to make me better informed about daily issues. I hear something has happened out in the big wide world I am on the Age or ABC website for the immediate lowdown! And there it is immediate. It is all about the I want it now. No waiting for the paper or the evening news..... no way!

The more I am learning about what is available the less capable and informed I feel....but hey that's okay there's a website somewhere with lessons on what I don't know!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

# 6 My creation


My creation
Originally uploaded by hey nonny
The possibilities that are out there blow my mind. It is the ole cliche, the more that I am learning the more I realise I didn't know. Trading cards are a hoot. Blog On!